Subject: FW: 22/2204/FUL; Windmill Road, 7 - 11 and St Clare Business Park; RMND/22/22 From: Sent: 31/August/2022 15:17 (BST) To: Subject: 22/2204/FUL; Windmill Road, 7 - 11 and St Clare Business Park; RMND/22/22 F.A.O. LPA case officer TfL Planning Reference: RMND/22/22 Borough Reference: 22/2204/FUL Location: Windmill Road, 7 - 11 and St Clare Business Park Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1no. mixed use building between three and five storeys plus basement in height, comprising 98no. residential flats (Class C3) and 1,172sq.m of commercial floorspace (Class E); 1no. three storey building comprising 893sq.m of commercial floorspace (Class E); 14no. residential houses (Class C3); and, associated access, external landscaping and car parking. Thank you for consulting TfL. With regards to the above planning application, TfL has the following comments: 1. TfL understands that the proposal entails the demolition of existing buildings and the construction of 1 mixed use building comprising of 98no. residential flats ( 48 1 bed flats, 43 2 bed flats, 7 3 bed flats.), 1,172sqm flexible commercial floorspace, 1 building comprising of 893sqm of flexible commercial floorspace and 14 residential houses. 2. The site has a Public Transport Access Level (PTAL) of 2, on a scale ranging from 0 to 6b where 6b represents the greatest level of access to public transport services. 3. It is understood that 93 car parking spaces will be provided for residential units with 6 spaces for blue badges holder, which is not compliant with Policy T6 of The London Plan. Instead a minimum of 89 car parking spaces should be provided. 4. It is understood that 12 car parking spaces will be provided for commercial units with 2 spaces for blue badge holders, this provision is deemed acceptable. Although it remains that the use of sustainable and active travel to support the objectives of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy and the London Plan should be encouraged. 5. It is supported that 172 long-stay cycle parking spaces will be provided for apartment units with a further 5 short-stay, this is in line with Policy T5 of the London Plan. It is understood that the long- stay spaces will be provided in a communal cycle store located at basement level. TfL requests information on cycle parking measurements to make the design standards set out in Chapter 8 of the London Cycle Design Standards (LCDS), which should include a safe route for cyclists to access the basement level separate to vehicles. 6. It is understood that cycle parking will provided within the curtilage of the houses allowing up to 4 spaces per house. This provision is deemed acceptable. 7. It is understood that 26 long-stay cycle parking spaces will be provided for flexible commercial floorspace with a further 12 short-stay. This is not compliant with Policy T5. Instead 12 long-stay and 23 short-stay cycle spaces should be provided. 8. After reviewing the Delivery and Servicing Plan (DSP) TfL has the following comments: a. It is requested that all deliveries are scheduled outside the network peak hours of 08:00- 10:00 and 16:00-18:00 to avoid congestion and reduce any impact on public safety. b. It is encouraged for all delivery drivers to be members of the Fleet Operation Recognition Scheme (FORS) and that the Construction Logistics and Community Safety(CLOCS) standards are adhered to. c. It is understood that 32 Trips a day are expected with 4 of these being HGVs 9. After reviewing the Construction Management Plan (CMP) TfL has the following comments: a. It is understood that construction works are expected to last 24 months. b. It is supported that vehicles will enter and exit the site in a forward gear via the new access point on Windmill Road, then proceed to load and unload on-site to avoid disruption within the local highway network. c. It is encouraged to implement a delivery booking system will be used. It is requested that all deliveries are scheduled outside the network peak hours of 08:00-10:00 and 16:00-18:00 to avoid congestion and reduce any impact on public safety. d. The use of traffic marshals is welcomed. e. It is understood that at the peak of construction the development would receive 45 daily arrivals and departures during at the peak of vehicle movement during construction. f. It is supported that all operators to be members of the Fleet Operation Recognition Scheme (FORS) and that the Construction Logistics and Community Safety(CLOCS) standards are adhered to. g. The CMP should be confirmed via condition. 10. After reviewing the draft Travel Plan (TP), TfL has the following comments: a. It is supported that a Travel Plan Coordinator (TPC) will be appointed prior to the occupation of the development and they will oversee the implementation of the TP for the site. b. It is supported that monitoring surveys will be undertaken within 6 months of opening and further surveys will be undertaken after years 1, 3 and 5. c. The Travel Plan modal split targets are supported for both employees and residents. It is also supported that the targets will be amended following a review of the monitoring surveys. d. Notwithstanding above, it should be noted that the targets should support the Mayor’s sustainable mode share target of 80%, or as a bare minimum 75% in Outer London, as set out in London Plan Policy T1. e. The developer should confirm which proposed measures promote and encourage sustainable and active travel will be adopted into the development. f. It should be confirmed whether the applicant will provide shower, locker and changing facilities to staff of the commercial unit in order to encourage active travel. TfL requests points 3 and 7 be amended and additional information be provided for point 5, prior to TfL being supportive of the application. Kind Regards, Zac Zachariah Polaine Assistant Planner | Spatial Planning | City Planning Email: 8th Floor (Yellow Zone), 5 Endeavour Square, Westfield Avenue, London E20 1JN This message has been scanned for malware by Forcepoint.